Ike's Store

The products listed here are my own creations.  They are available to download direct to your computer. If you have any questions concerning any of these, or you have purchased them and need support, please email me direct at  Contact Me spinners110722@yahoo.com

Purchasing is simple.  You click on the ADD TO CART button and pay for the selection with Paypal. It will then direct you to a web page where you can download the selected item. After downloading you will be redirected back to this website.

This is copyrighted material. All rights are reserved  to the author. It may not be republished, reprinted, posted on the internet, or sold.  It is for your own use. You may make copies for your own use but not to be distributed to others. Any other use must be authorized by the author.

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Electrical Systems

****New and updated for 2024.This is revision 8. It is in e-book format. It is in a format that fits on e-readers, tablets and your phone. It includes the entire section of this web site on electrical systems, including Basic Electricity, US Federal standards, Wire Size and Over Current Protection calculations and Planning the Electrical System. It includes 14 Steps To Wiring Your Boat, pages on Electric Shock Drowning and, Solar and Wind power. It is in Adobe PDF format and is 156 pages if you print it on standard size paper. It can be printed in Book format (2 pages on each side of a double sided printing) if you have a printer that can do double side printing. It is approximately 3.5 MB in size.  See Sample Here

Price: $12.99 USD  Price Reduced!
Purchase with Paypal



Capacity and Flotation

Capacity and Flotation Course in e-book format.  This was developed for Professional Boatbuilder Magazines e-courses but they no longer offer them.  This is Revision 2. As of 03/10/19 I have updated the outboard weight tables and other information and added a separate lesson on inflatables. This e-book is in PDF format that can be read on your computer, tablet, phone or kindle. This course covers capacity and flotation for all types of boats, inboards, outboards, rowboats, pontoons, inflatable boats and canoes/kayaks. It includes quizes for each lesson. Answer key provided. 179 Pages including cover and unnumbered pages. Can be printed in Book format (2 pages on each side of a double sided printing) if you have a printer than can do double side printing.  About 3.9 MB in size.  See Sample Pages Here

Price: $15.00 USD
Purchase with Paypal



Level Flotation Spreadsheet Completely updated as of 3/17/19.   Latest outboard weights table incorporates changes to the USCG and ABYC flotation standards. For monohull outboard powered boats greater than 2 HP (1.49kw), less than 20 feet (6 meters) in length. The perfect supplement to the Capacity and Flotation Course Book. This spread sheet was developed to make it easier for a boat builder to determine the amount of flotation required for their boat. It is in Microsoft Office Excel. 2013 © format (xlsx) but can be converted to other formats. It is easy to use. You simply plug in the Maximum Capacities, Horsepower, and weights of boat and materials. The data entered can be in English Standard units or Metric units. This makes it useful for Canadian or European manufacturers.  The spreadsheet calculates the amount of 2 lb (or 1000 kg) density foam needed. By changing the value of buoyancy you can calculate flotation for air chambers, other densities of foam, air chambers,  or any other material used as flotation. The tables for outboard motor weights are built in and the spreadsheet automatically looks up the correct values for each horsepower range for boats with one or twin engines. You can print the final result so you have a record for each boat model. You do not need to know anything about how spreadsheets work. All the cells containing formulas or tables are locked so that cannot be accidentally changed. The only cells available to the user are for entering data on the boat. See Sample here.

Price: $5.00 USD
Purchase with Paypal



Modified Level Flotation Spreadsheet Same as the one above but designed for monohull boats that are manually propelled or have 2 HP (1.49kw) or less, such as dinghies, rowboats, small john boats. Can be used for wood, fiberglass, aluminum, or any other materials. Good for traditional small craft, or new designs. Just fill in the numbers and see the results. See sample here.

Price: $5.00 USD
Purchase with Paypal



Basic Flotation Spreadsheet
Same as the two above but for monohull inboard or stern drive powered boats under 20 feet (6 meters) in length. It calculates the amount of flotation required for these types of boats. I/Os, Inboards, Jet Boats. Fiberglass, wood, aluminum, whatever. Tells you how much flotation you need to keep this boat afloat.  See Sample here .

Price: $5.00 USD
Purchase with Paypal



Gasoline Fuel Systems, Engines and Related Systems 2024 Version.
A compilation of the pages on my website on gasoline fuel systems. Includes the Federal Regulations for fuel systems for Inboard/Sterndrive boats and other permanently installed gasoline engines, Marine Engines 101,  painting aluminum tanks, Exhaust Systems, and information on Ethanol (Alcohol) issues.   See Sample here .

Price: $9.99 USD
Purchase with Paypal




American Boat And Yacht Council  Boat Design Net  Wooden Boat Foundation

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