Links to sites about Everything Boat Building - including Global links in other languages.

This page is best viewed on a PC or tablet, but can be viewed on a mobile device. However, it is very long and has a large amount of content, so please be patient.

Last Updated January 10, 2025 This is an ongoing process so if you find a dead or broken link please report it. 
Report broken or dead links.
Contact Me.

To suggest a link:  Proposed links must be related to boatbuilding and provide technical information about boatbuilding and/or a forum about boatbuilding. If it is your website I will ask you to provide a link to New Boatbuilders Home Page. You do not have to do this, but I  believe it would benefit both of us.

A Link on Ike's List to a commercial website is NOT an endorsement of that site or it's products! The links are provided only as a service and an information resource. This website does not post links to legal services that offer lawsuits or other legal services for medical conditions or liability.

Other Links Pages:

All Electrical Links Have been Moved to Electrical Links Page: Electrical Links - Click Here  for links including Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Lightning protection, and Corrosion On Boats.
Links and Books For Kids

Regulations, Standards


US Coast Guard Boat Builders Tool Kit and Handbook:
Federal Regulations for Recreational Boats

US Coast Guard Marine Safety Regulations  for passenger vessels and other commercial vessels.

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

American Boat and Yacht Council Industry standards for building boats and yachts.

National Fire Protection Assoc. Fire protection Standards for boats and yachts: NFPA 302

Society of Automotive Engineers Basic systems standards for engines, wiring other items. Look for Marine standards.

US State Requirements.

Washington State: Dept of Safety And Health Directive 21.55: BoatBuilding of Vesesls 65 Feet or Less.

Envrionmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulations and Standards for Boat Builders:

Control Techniques Guidelines for Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials
At the end of this dcument is a list of state regulations for handling fiberglass materials.


ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) promote security of life, property.. natural environment - through development and verification of standards for design, construction and operational maintenance of marine-facilities. Guide For Building And Classing Yachts.

ICOMIA International Council Of Marine Industry Assocs.  ICOMIA's mission is to represent the Recreational Marine Industry Associations and to act as the voice of the industry worldwide in order to inform, influence, research and facilitate.

UK Boating Safety Scheme Guide: guide for boats in the U

Canadian Office of Boating Safety Regulations Canadian Standards for boats.

Cayman Islands: Passenger Yacht Code: This Code of Practice applies to pleasure yachts of any size, in private use or engaged in trade, which carry more than 12 but not more than 36 passengers and which do not carry cargo.

International Standards  The ISO standards for recreational boats

The Estonian Center For Standardization. ISO standards available on Line.

Recreational Craft Directive(European Union)
RCD and Comments to the directive Contact Guide

CE Proofs Marine Division (RCD)

Maritime and Coast Guard Agency (UK)UK standards for boats and yachts

RINA (Italy)  Italian standards for boats and yachts.

RINA (UK)  Royal Institution of Naval Architects

RINA Services (UK)  delivers services of classification, certification, testing and inspection.

Finnish Maritime Admin-Commercial Craft Rules

Australia Safe Boating Education Group

Australia Hull Identification Numbers

Det Norske Veritas Maritime (in English)

Icelandic Maritime Administration-Pleasure Fishing Vessels (in English)

Japan Maritime Bureau. Incorporation of ISO Standards for Recreational Boats

Schools - Education - Vocational Training - On-Line courses

Job Opportunities; for skilled technical joibs:

SkillsUSA. SkillsUSA is America’s proud champion of the skilled trades. We’re a student-led partnership of education and industry that’s building the future skilled workforce our nation depends on with graduates who are career ready, day one.

Veterans Programs

Veterans' Guide to Vocational Schools and Apprenticeship Programs

Naval Architecture

Freeship Software No longer supported by DelftShip

DelftShip. Hull form software some free some not.

Naval Architecture Distance Learning (Lloyds maritime Academy)

Navalapp: Sailing Yacht Design and Performance. This introductory course will cover the main aspects of the design of sailing yachts: theoretical fundamentals, yacht modeling, hull and appendage resistance, sail forces calculation, stability issues, and velocity prediction programs.

Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Schools USA

Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton FL USA

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA

State University of N.Y. Maritime College NY USA
University of California Berkeley (USA)

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor MI, USA)

Virginia Tech (Blacksburg VA, USA)

Webb Institute of Naval Architecture (Glen Cove LI, NY USA)

University of New Orleans  USA

Westlawn.edu Westlawn Institute is a nationally accredited, internationally recognized distance study school offering professional courses in yacht design and related marine technology.

Yacht Design School The Yacht Design School Eastport, Maine USA  Learning to design for yourself or others. A discussion group is offered in which all designers and anyone else with an interest in design may participate on an equal footing. 


Australian Maritime College

Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg Sweden

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

University of Newcastle upon Tyne UK.
University of Plymouth, UK

University of Southampton, UK

South Hampton Solent University, UK

List Of International Maritime Schools on Wikipedia

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University Bangladesh, BSc in Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering (NAOE)

Backyard Boatbuilders

Getting Started In Boats   © By Woodenboat Publications

SAFETY STANDARDS FOR BACK YARD BOAT BUILDERS. This USCG book has a wealth of information in it for anyone building a boat whether for yourself or to sell. It is no longer published or distributed by the Coast Guard. However, by clicking on the link above you can download it in a pdf file.

Schools Offering Boat Building and Marine Design Studies


Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada Marine Inst, Marine Engineering Design.

Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre, BC

Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, BC

The Dory Shop Lunenburg Nova Scotia

United Kingdom

Boat Building Academy (UK) 

International Boatbuilding Training College (UK)

Australia/New Zealand/Tasmania

The Wooden Boat Centre (Tasmania)

On-Line Courses (MOOCS)

Massachusetts Institute Of Technology: (MIT)
All Courses
The Art And Science Of Boat Design

Engineering Schools and On-line Courses

On-Line Engineering Degree Guide :

Engineering Degree Guides 

Tech Guide to Engineering Schools

Schools Offering Boat Building and Marine Design Studies Continued.


Boatbuilding Schools the Boat Design and Boatbuilding Directory

The Shaw Guides (Guide to classes, seminars & workshops

National Maritime Education Council

Listed by State

Arques School: Traditional Boatbuiding Sausilito CA

Santa Barbara City College Santa Barbara CA

Salisbury School Salisbury CT

College Of The Florida Keys, Key West FL
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne FL
George Stone Career Center
Pensacola FL
Manatee Technical Institute Bradenton FL
Marchman Technical Education
Pasco County FL
Maritime Professional Training Fort Lauderdale FL
McFatter Technical Center Davie FL
Pinellas Technical education Center Clearwater FL

North Georgia Technical College Clarkesville GA

Iowa Lakes Community College  IA

Louisiana Technical College of Alexandria LA

Berkshire Boat Building School Berkshire MA

Motoring Technical Training Institute Seekonk MA

Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology, Boston MA.

Cecil Community College North East MD

Apprenticeshop Rockport ME
The Landing School Boatbuilding Yacht Design and Marine Systems Kennebunkport ME
The Washington Academy  East Machias ME
The Wooden Boat School Brooklin ME
The Carpenter's Boat Shop  Pemaquid ME

Great Lakes Boat Building School Cedarville MI
Northwestern Michigan College Traverse City MI

Alexandria Technical College, Alexandria MN
Minn State Community and Tech Coll Detroit Lakes MN
Hennipin Technical College Eden Prairie MN
Urban Boatbuilders  St. Paul, MN

College of Albemarle NC
Cape Fear Community College Wilmington NC
Carteret Community College Morehead City NC
North Carolina Marine Training and Education Center

North Dakota State College Of Science Wahpeton ND

Ocean County Vocational Technical School NJ

Kingsborough Community College Brooklyn NY

Ehove Ghrist Adult Career Center Milan OH

Coos Bay Boat Building Center, Coos Bay, OR
Wind and Oar Boat School Portland OR

Automotive Training Center  Exton PA
The Wooden Boat Factory Philadelphia PA

IYRS School Of Technology and Trades Newport RI
New England Institute Of Technology Warwick RI

Chattanooga State Community College Chattanooga TN
The Tennessee Boat School Big Sandy TN

The Alexandria Seaport Foundation Alexandria VA
Rappahannock Community College VA

Center For Wooden Boats Seattle WA
Lake Washington Technical College Kirkland WA
Northwest Maritime Ctr&Wooden Boat Found Hadlock WA
Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding WA
Seattle Central Community College  Wa
Skagit Valley Col Mar Ctr of Excellence Anacortes, WA
Tacoma Community Boat Builders WA
The Port Townsend School of Woodworking WA

Madison Area Technical College Madison WI
Northwood Technical College Ashland WI


Boat and Boat Related Recalls


US Coast Guard  Office of Boating Safety

Link to the current
(current information for boat manufacturers)

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Recalls.Gov  (central web site for all U. S. government recall databases)
Federal Citizen Information Center


Australia Recalls web site for Australia

Canada Boat recalls in Canada

United Kingdom Recalls in the UK

UK Trading Standards Central Recalls in the UK

Boat Builder and Technician Certification

ABYC Certification Programs

Nova Scotia Boat Builders Assoc Certification

ABBRA Marine Service Training Courses

NCMARTEC Marine Technician Certification Program

Marine schools and Training Programs in Mass.

Marine Technician Certification

Natl Marine Electronics Assoc (NMEA) Training

Marine Maintenance Technology, Skagit Valley College

Hull Design Protection, Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks

The Vessel Hull Design Protection Act (US)

Overview and analysis of the VHDPA

US Patent and Trademarks Office

NMMA Vessel Hull Design Protection Act

Manufacturers Identification Codes and Hull Identification Numbers in countries other than the USA.

Australia Government : Hull Identification Numbers

Boating Industy Assoc. of Australia: Manufacturer Identification Codes MIC assignments.

Canada: Transport Canada (See Hull Serial Numbers Sec

England: British Marine Federation

Notified Bodies (European Union)

List of Notified Bodies for Recreational Craft:

International Marine Certification Institute (IMCI)

Boat Certification and Homologation for the EU. A course in how to do it, By Naval App

Sites with lists of links to Standards and Regulations

The Mother of All Maritime Links John's Nautical and Boatbuilding Page

Boat Building Associations and Societies USA and Canada

American Boat and Yacht Council ABYC develops the voluntary consensus safety standards for the design, construction, equipage, maintenance and repair of small craft. Often, ABYC is the only source of standards for many aspects of the marine industry. The development of uniform standards is the basis for industry-wide comparisons of products and performance. ABYC is also a principal source for the development of international standards, by acting as the administrator for a Technical Advisory Group which writes standards for the marine industry world-wide.

AMTECH Association Of Marine Technicians Dedicated to the support of all marine technicians by helping improve the technician’s career opportunities

National Marine Manufacturers Association The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) is the marine industry's largest trade organization, providing a wide variety of programs and services tailored to the needs of member companies, including: Technical expertise, Standards monitoring, Government relations advocation, Industry statistics.

Canadian Marine Manufacturers Association - Association Canadienne Des Manufacturiers de Produits Nautiques  NMMA Canada

American Boat Builders and Repairers Assoc ABBRA, founded in 1943, serves to strengthen and to encourage the professionalism of the marine service industry through the sharing of knowledge and the search for solutions to common problems.

United Marine Manufacturers Association   The mission of the UMMA is to empower the independent builder. We provide services and information to our builders that improve their operational efficiencies and help level the purchasing playing field. As a semi-cooperative organization, collective benefits are achieved which exceed the individual capacities of any single builder.

Independent Boat Builders, Inc. (IBBI)  was formed as a marine purchasing cooperative in 1989 by a group of independent, recreational boat builders.  IBBI has maintained strict standards for membership, and today, we have 22, highly-regarded shareholders, each recognized in the industry for their top-quality boats, their integrity, and their financial stability.

American Boatbuilders Association (ABA) The roster of membership in the American Boatbuilders Association (ABA) is an industry Who's Who of strong, privately held, boat manufacturing companies. Since 1992, the group's aim through collective buying power is to obtain the highest quality materials at the lowest possible cost. ABA is all about leveraging purchasing power. This alliance brings the united voice of a prestigious group of independent boat manufactures to the table. In the aggregate, The ABA Group ranks second in retail market share, only behind Brunswick Corp. With annual boat sales over $1 billion, and material purchases of approximately $600 million, ABA Boat Builders represent a strong growth opportunity for Suppliers.

Society of Boat and Yacht Designers (SBYD)
The Society of Boat and Yacht Designers is an organization of designers, engineers, boatbuilders, surveyors, and others interested in the design and construction of small craft -- sail and power yachts, as well as small commercial vessels. The goal of the Society is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information relative to the small craft marine industry, through meetings, tours, seminars, and publications. Now affiliated with SNAME. See Below.

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers: SNAME is a non-profit, tax-exempt, professional association dedicated to advancing the art, science, and practice of naval architecture and marine engineering by: providing facilities for the exchange of information and ideas, disseminating the results of research, experience and information among the members, cooperating with educational institutions, promoting the professional integrity and status of members.

Teaching With Small Boats Alliance  The Teaching with Small Boats Alliance (TWSBA) is a collaboration of educators and programs that teach math, science and other essential skills through the process of boat building. Through bi-annual conferences and virtual collaboration, TWSBA works to improve the effectiveness of our member organizations by sharing information and best practices about program development and leadership, hands-on building projects, and integration of maritime-based lessons into school curriculm. Organizations from 24 states, Canada and Nova Scotia have participated in our conferences.  We invite you to learn more about our conferences and participating organizations. 

The Traditional Small Craft Association The Traditional SmallCraft Association, Inc., is a nonprofit, tax-exempt educational organization which works to preserve and continue the living traditions, skills, lore, and legends surrounding working and pleasure watercraft whose origins predate the marine gasoline engine. It encourages the design, construction, and use of these boats, and it embraces contemporary variants and adaptations of traditional designs. 

National Marine Electronics Association Promote the technical marine electronics dealer through education, communication, training and certification. Strengthen the industry’s reputation in the marketplace through industry standards and recognition of excellence. Promote good business management and fair business practices among its members.   Encourage the industry to hire highly skilled and qualified technical service personnel.  Educate the boating public through publications and seminars to promote the safe and proper use of marine electronic equipment

The Metal Boat Society The Metal Boat Society is a non-profit educational society, incorporated under the laws of Washington State, USA. Its purpose is to provide, through its magazine, the Metal Boat Quarterly, and this website, an opportunity for metal boat enthusiasts to obtain information that will assist them with their boats, whether in the planning, building, fitting, re-fitting, repair or maintenance stage.

Antique and Classic Boat Society: Since its founding in 1975 on the shores of Lake George, New York, The Antique and Classic Boat Society, Inc. (ACBS) has grown into the largest society in the world dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of historic, antique and classic boats. ACBS brings people with this common interest together to share fellowship, information, experiences and ideas.

Wooden Boat Foundation The Wooden Boat Foundation, founded 1978 and integrated with the Northwest Maritime Center in March 2005, now "Pulling Together" for the Wooden Boat Festival and for future generations.

The Amateur Yacht Research Society The AYRS is a UK registered Educational Charity (No 234081) dedicated to finding out how to make yachting better (faster, more fun, whatever you want it to be). Our members run from sober sided professional yacht designers and builders to bearded eccentrics full of ideas that they cannot make work. From our members have come the modern sailing multihulls, self-steering gear, sailboards, a flock of successful sailing hydrofoils, the World Speed Sailing Record system, etc. etc. 

Nova Scotia Boat Builders Association  NSBA Members build and repair custom or semi-custom boats for long or short-term pleasure cruising, sail or power; commercial or sport fishing; and fast patrol boats - in fibreglass, steel, aluminum, or wood-epoxy.

International Council Of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA)  ICOMIA has been the focal point of the world’s recreational boating industry since 1965. The site brings together a number of resources useful to any one wishing to know more about the boating industry throughout the world. ICOMIA’s multiple committees address all the issues challenging our industry and benefit from our truly global membership.

Vancouver Wooden Boat Society The Vancouver Wooden Boat Society is a non profit society composed of Wooden Boat owners and anyone who has an interest in all things to do with wooden boats. The Purposes of the Society are to promote, encourage and facilitate interest in wooden boats and any and all activities involving and related to wooden boats.

Boat Building Associations and Societies International

BIA - Boating Industry Association Victoria

AU - News

Maritime New Zealand - Recreational

Maritime Safety agencies, Marine safety organisations, Links to maritime safety related websites

Australian Maritime Safety Authority

Japan Boating Industry Assoc (in english)

The Harwich Mayflower Heritage Center    Here at the Mayflower Heritage Center, we aim to reinvigorate the traditional boat building skills (which have been lost over time) providing employment and educational opportunities throughout Harwich and the surrounding areas.

The Wooden Boat Builders Trade Association (UK). run by boat builders to promote high quality craftsmanship in the wooden boat building trade

Boat Building Videos

Off Center Harbor Boat Building Videos


Boat and Yacht Design Information - Design Spiral

The Design Spiral  https://naval-architecture.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-design-spiral.html

The Design Spiral for Computer-Aided Boat Design https://www.newavesys.com/spiral.htm

The Design Spiral Of Boats - The Complete Iterative Process https://bkyachtdesign.com/design-spiral-of-boats-the-complete-iterative-process/

The Boat Design Spiral   https://www.morganscloud.com/2014/04/21/adventure-40-april-bulletin-the-design-spiral/



International Links Not in English; More links after.

French Language Sites (En francais)


Le marquage CE des bateaux de plaisance

Vivier Blog

Google Group  French Recreational Bateau


Le Blog De Pierre

SITES TECHNIQUES Construction amateur, Equipements

La Construction Amateur

Orangemarine: le plaisir de naviguer

Expert Maritime Bateaux de Plaisance


Normes de construction pour les petits batiments - TP 1332 F (2010)


Le Canoterie


Plans de bateaux de peche: 2 Construction en planches et en contreplaqu © de bateaux fond en V





Le Site De Voile: Voile Abordable

Italy (Italia)

(Grazie to Gian on the Boatdesign.net forum for his help finding these links.)


Master in Yacht Design Politechnico Di Milano

University  degli studi di Genova
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale e Tecnologie Marine

La Taberna Del Puerto

Ingeneria Naval Uach

Trekka, La Mia Vela

Le Barche In Lavorazione



Forumattivo.com Timone Yachts

Amici Della Vela Forum





SailBiz.net News on Sailing and the Sailboat Industry

Espana (Espanol)

Gobierno De Espana, Nautico De Recreo

normas de construccion de embarcaciones de recreo


Asesoria Tecnica para la Construccion Embarcaciones Deportivas

Curso Avanzado Disegno Y Technologia De Yates

Europa: Embarcaciones de recreo
los requisitos medioambientales y de seguridad

Matriculacion de embarcacionestradicionales
construidas por aficionado

Construccion amateur de un velero de acero 

A La Mar Madera Foro construccion amateur de embarcaciones


E Navales:   Enavales.com es web de informacion tecnica y cientifica especializada en el imbito de la ingeniery arquitectura naval,la oceanologey la navegacion maritima.


Construccion Particular Amateur.

Germany (Deutscheland)


Deutsches Maritimes Institut e. V.

Bau dir dein eigenes (Segel-)Boot 

Bootesbau Bayern

Martin Yachten De.


Reiseziel Uckermark 

Denmark (Danmark)

Marineudstyr.dk online salg af baadudstyr, baadpresenning og alt andet udstyr til din baad




Estonian Centre for Standardisation © 2013





Icelandic Transport Authority : Maritime - SIGLINGAR

More Links

Boat Building Related Sites

2002 US Census Report on Boat Building

Amateur Boat Building . com A site for amateur boat builders.

Aero Marine Research Tunnel Boat & Powerboat Design - Sharing Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design (book), Tunnel Boat Design Program software. Tunnel boat design book,computer design software, for high performance tunnel boats, catamarans, F1 boats, race boats and hydroplanes.

APA - Engineered Wood Association. Was the American Plywood Association. A lot of good info on using plywood. "The Leading resource for information about engineered wood products"

Boat Builder Tips For Amateurs By Dudley Dix. A Blog for boat builders by one of the most noted designers and boat builders of this era.

Boat Builder Central  All of your boat building supplies in one convenient, secure and specialized online store.

Boatbuilding Materials A page on resorces for different boat building materials.  Good Info.

the Boatbuilding Ring.  Connects boatbuilders, designers and boatbuilding projects on the web. As a supplement to traditional directories, the Boatbuilding ring provides an easy and enjoyable way to discover and surf between boatbuilding, boat designs, and boatbuilding resource sites of interest.

Boat Projects (DIY Projects) by Maine Sailing Good DIY Projects.

The Center For Wooden Boats in Seattle WA: To provide a gathering place where maritime history comes alive through direct experience and our small craft heritage is enjoyed, preserved, and passed along to future generations.

Common Sense Boat Building   You can build a better boat than you can buy. 

CRAFT A CRAFT Boat design, home building and cruising in a nutshell. 

Delft Boat Design Software   Hull modeling with subdivision surfaces

Fibre Glast Learning Center   featuring how-to brochures on fiberglass repair, composite repair, gel coat troubleshooting, mold construction, vacuum bagging techniques and much more

FreeShip (Delft) Tutorial Group   A yahoo Group to share info on FreeShip

George Buehler Yacht Design  Cruising Power and Sailing Designs

The Mother of All Maritime Links  John's Nautical and Boatbuilding Page A lot of good information,links, books, etc. Pages on plywood boat building and more.

Sam Devlin: Devlin Designing Boat Builders.  I have been a staunch pioneer and advocate of -- “Stitch and Glue” boatbuilding.

SketchUp 3D Design Software   a simple but powerful tool for  easily creating, viewing and modifying 3D ideas

Shareware for Boat Design a simple, interactive, visual 3-d hull design Windows program for modeling and developing panels for plywood or metal chine construction

Steel Boatbuilding What you always wanted to know about steel boat building

West System   Complete system of epoxy resin and hardeners, dispensers, fillers, additives, reinforcing materials, application tools and instructional publications

The World Of Ferro-Cement Boats  This site is devoted to the promotion of Ferroboats as well as a base for all matters Ferro in the boating world.

Running a Business; Related Sites

IRS: Starting a business(excellent site)

Small Business Admin; Starting a Business

Washington State; Starting a business. There is a site like this for every state.

Entrepreneur; Starting a business
Inc.  Starting a business

20 Reasons Why Startups Fail

The Humbled MBA; Find a good startup advisor.

Paul Graham on how to start a startup Talks about computer startups but good advice for any business.

ChooseWhat.Com Helping Small Businesses make gig choices.

How to start An LLC in New York:  https://www.simplifyllc.com/llc-formation/new-york/

NOLO on Choosing a Business Name

MyOwnBusiness: Small Business Accounting

FreeEd.net Business Marketing And Eco0nomics

About.com Small Business Tax and Accounting

Independent Boat Builders Inc, Purchasing Coop.

eHow: Small Business Purchasing

Institute For Supply Management: purchasing

Entrepreneur: Creating a Purchasing Policy

Small Business Notes: planning

About.com: Small Business Guide to Manufacturing

Deluxe's: Starting a Business Resource Center

How to get a Business License (in all states)

Tools for Managing a Backlog in parts, materials, orders,and stock.

Which Is The Best Business Structure

14 Best Business Management Software of 2022 Free and Paid.

Quick Books Guide to Starting A Business 17 Steps

Templates for Invoices

Creating a Business Plan.

Business Plans - How To

Forbes: Business Plan Template:

Inc.: How to write a Business Plan

growthink: Business plan Template and Guide 

FINIMPACT Howto write a business Plan

Running a Business Cont. Record Keeping.

BMI Imaging Systems Record keeping for business.

Creating a Web Site:

WIX:  It All Starts With A Stunning Web Site

thesitewizard: How to make/create a web site

WebSiteSetup: How to Make A Web Site

Website Planet: How to create a Web Site;

Safety for Boat Building Employees

This is a site for auto workers but many of the basic principles apply to boat building

Insurance for Boat Builders, Repairs and Marine Services

Global Marine Insurance Agency

International Special Risks

Marine Insurance House

Anchor Marine Insurance

Sea Mountain Insurance

The Ryon Agency - Business Insurance

Merrimac Marine Insurance LTD


Recycling Dead Boats: Eric Sponberg, N.A.

Environmental Health Issues for Boatbuilders


Ike's List does not post links to legal services that offer lawsuits or other legal services for medical conditions or liability.

Other Health Issues

Health profile of workers in a ship building and repair industry

Reproductive health: Epoxies and Resins by the CDC.

WEST System: Health Affects from Overexposure to Epoxy:


Kits and Plans

Glen-L  Plans & Kits

Chesapeake Light Craft (kits)

Jem Watercraft easy to follow boat building plans for the amateur boat builder

Bateau Boat Plans On-Line

The Newfound Woodworks, Inc.

One Ocean Kayaks Kayak plans, excellent source for info on wood strip construction.

 PT Watercraft PT Watercraft specializes in modern stitch & glue dinghy kits.

Richard Woods Multihulls. Woods Designs:

Storer Boat Plans Plywood Boat Plans and Wooden Canoe Plans. Sailing Dinghy . Power . Row . Paddle Overnight

YAKAYAK Kits Free Stitch and Glue Kayak Plans

Carbon Monoxide Related Problems

Carbon Monoxide Kills

USCG On Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide Warning Pamphlet

Houseboat-Associated Carbon Monoxide Poisonings on Lake Powell --- Arizona and Utah, 2000: Center for Disease Control

Carbon Monoxide Alert David Pascoe-Yacht Survey.com

Carbon Monoxide The Silent Killer:

Information On Carbon Monoxide From ABYC. ABYC Standards. Search for: TH-22 EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT CARBON MONOXIDE.

Carbon Monoxide Information from JMAC; (Thanks to Brenda at Verona Public Library.)

Corrosion on Boats Moved to Electrical Links

Lightning Protection Moved To: Electrical Links

Osmotic Blistering

BLISTERS & LAMINATE HYDROLYSIS by Craig Bumgarner Updated April 9th, 2003

Boat US, Osmotic Blister Repair:

Resins and Epoxy Information and Companies

Interplastic Corp

How to Choose the Right Marine resin

Vinyl Ester Resin Wikipedia

System Three Resource Library

West System: User Manual and Product Guide

Epoxy Works

Reinforced Plastics News and Information

Resin Companies

AOC Resins

MAS Epoxies

Marine Tex


System Three

West System Epoxies


Marine Plywood Standards

The Engineered Wood Association
(used to be the American Plywood Assoc)

Glen-L on BoatBuilding wood

DIY Wood Boat On Boat Building Woods.

 Metals (Aluminum, Steel)

Guide to aluminum


Fuel System Sites:

Attwood Portable Fuel Tanks and Fittings

Ethanol in the fuel issues: BoatUS report

Boating Safety Scheme (UK): Boat examinations

Fuel and financial savings for operators of small fishing vessels

Fuel Tank Design & Installation

The Myth of Condensation in Fuel Tanks by David Pascoe

WEMA USAInc. Fuel & other Tank Sensors

Fuel tank installation on Youtube.

Aluminum Fuel Tanks Versus Plastic

Evaporative Emissions Systems

Perko Evaporative Emmissions (EPA & CARB)

Modern Gasoline Fuels Systems on Boats

Ethanol Issues

BoatUS Seaworthy Magazine, on Ethanol

All Outdoor: Ethanol Is Deadly For Outboards

The Fuel Testers On Ethanol

Isobutanol as a Replacement For Ethanol

GreenTech Media: Isobutanol

GEVO: Renewable Solutions; Isobutonal

Ethanol Magazine: Isobutanol Out Performs Ethanol

NMMA Tests Biofuels:  Isobutanol

Marine Hoses

Trident Marine Hoses

AeroQuip Racing Hose (now Eaton)

Parker-Hannifin Hose

IMCI Certified Fuel Hose (EU)

Designation Ltd (UK)

Bellowsflex Marine hose

Goodyear Marine Hose

Marine Products International (MPI)


Roto-Molded Cross Linked Polyethylene

Inca Plastics Inc.

Kracor Inc - Rotational Molders of Marine Tanks

Moeller marine Products

Todd Boat Seats marine supplies, marine equip, fuel transport. gas caddies


A Guide to Marine Grade ALuminum  MetalBoatkits.com

Bay City Fab

Best Fab Inc

Ezell Industries Products

Florida Marine Tanks

RDS Aluminum Fuel Tanks Marine Tanks

S P fabricates custom aluminum marine fuel tanks

Marine Fuel, Holding,Water Tanks by Custom Marine Tanks

Patriot Marine Fabricating

Other Tanks

Aero Tec Laboratories (ATL) Bladder tanks

Propane Systems

Safe Boat Propane Installations:

ABYC A-1 Propane Systems (year 2000 copy):

West Marine:

Propane Systems By Don Casey:

Exhaust Systems

Seaboard Marine Choosing the Right Diesel

Please Don't Drown Me. Northern Lights info on exhaust systems for generators.

Ventilation Systems

Boating Basics Engine Compartment Ventilation

USCG Fuel Tank compartment Ventilation

Nicro: A Boaters Guide To Cabin Ventilation

BoatUS on Ventilation

Practical Sailor Ventilation

The Boat Galley; Ventilation

Flotation and Flotation Foams

Versa-Foam Systems

Marine Foam .Com

BASF Flotation Foam. (Foam Enterprises)

Cuming Corporation

Polyfoam Products Inc.

Dow Chemical

Foam Products Corp


Fair Wind Fasteners


For Boat Builders:

USCG Compliance Guidelines Published by ABYC
Compliance uideline Set

The following guidelines can be obtained at the above link.

Electrical Compliance Guideline
Flotation Compliance Guideline
Fuel System Compliance Guideline
Safe Loading and Powering Compliance Guideline
Ventilation Compliance Guideline

ABYC has many books available on boat building.

WoodenBoat Publications has an on-line Book Store

Amazon Books

Even eBay has many books on boat building.

Nigel Calder:  Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual: This is an excellent manual covering many of the systems on boats, everything from electrical to fuel systems, galleys, heads, etc. A must have for maintenance.

Nigel Calder's Cruising Handbook: A Compendium for Coastal and Offshore Sailors For cruising sailors, cruise dreamers, coastal sailors, and weekend sailors, these books are a must have. You may select a book from the list to read an in depth description of content.

Nigel Calde:  Marine Diesel Engines: Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Repair. Another excellent book by Nigel Calder covering everything you need to know about diesel engines. Both are available at major book stores, or from Amazon (click on link above). If you own a small marine diesel engine that you depend on - at least occasionally - this book was written for you. A very comprehensive guide to diesel installations.

Powerboater's Guide to Electrical Systems, Second Edition
Ed Sherman, Published 2000, by Boating Magazine (See ad to the left)

Boatowner's Illustrated Handbook of Wiring:
Charlie Wing, Published 1993 by McGraw Hill

Your Boat's Electrical System: Manual of Electrical and Electronic Projects by Conrad Miller, Elbert S. Maloney, Published 1988 by Hearst Marine Books

Sailboat Electrics Simplified, Don Casey, 1999 International Marine

Steel Boat Building: From Bare Hull to Launching: Thomas Colvin, International Marine Publications 1986 (used)

The Steel Hull, by Roger McAfee. Published by R. McAfee. © 2001, R. McAfee. Available through the Metal Boat Society or from Robert Hale & Co. Inc., Bellevue WA, 1-800-733-5330

Boatbuilding with Steel, Gilbert C. Klingel, International Marine Publishing

The Complete Guide to Metal Boats, Bruce Robers International Marine Publishing

Buehlers Backyard Boat BuildingGeorge Buehler, International Marine Publishing 1991

The Propeller Handbook: The Complete Reference for Choosing, Installing, and Understanding Boat Propellers, David Gerr, International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press 1st edition (June 11, 2001)

Metal Corrosion in Boats: 2nd Ed. Nigel Warren by A & C Black publishers.  1998

Boat building With Plywood by Glen L Witt NA 1989 3rd Ed.

Ply On Frame BoatBy Jeff Spira.  FREE on line book in PDF format. An illustrated guide for building a Spira International. This a is a basic manual for building a Spira but the techniques shown apply to almost any small plywood on rame boat.

Books For Designers

Principles of Yacht Design: by Lars Larsson and Rolf E Eliasson. International Marine, 1994. A very good comprehensive text on yacht design. It is modern and up to date. It introduces not only all the basic elements, but use of Computer Aided Design as well. However, if deals only with sailing yachts, although some of the basic principles are the same for both power and sail. It is written in a way that both the professional and amateur can use this book.

Skene's Elements of Yacht Design: 8th Edition by Kinney, Published by Dodd and Mead. I do not know when the last edition was published, but this is the granddaddy and the bible for designers. Some of the information is out of date but the basics are all there. This book should be on every designers book shelf.

The Elements of Boat Strength For Builders, Designers, and Owners by David Gerr, International Marine 1999

The Nature of Boats: Insights and Esoterica for the Nautically Obsessed, By David Gerr, International Marine 1995

Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook: Dave Gerr, International Marine 2009

The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction: (Free download in PDF format) This book has been an invaluable guide for many years but is now available free as a PDF.

Web Sites of Interest to Designers

History Of Submarines

Advanced Marine Vehicles

Farrier Marine Inc.  Advanced Trimaran and Catamaran Designs

Royal Institution of Naval Architects UK


Professional BoatBuilder magazine is written and edited for boat builders, repairers, designers, and surveyors. It focuses on materials, design, and construction techniques and repair solutions chosen by marine professionals. Regular technical articles provide detailed, real-world examples to improve the efficiency and quality of their work. Professional BoatBuilder has an audited circulation of 23,000 readers, worldwide.

Boating Industry Online For more than 75 years, all those serious about the business of boating have turned to Boating Industry magazine—the most authoritative voice of the marine market—for strategic analysis, in-depth coverage and proprietary research of the day’s most critical issues.

Classic Yacht An on-line magazine about classic yachts.

Good Old Boat The Sailing Magazine for the rest of us. For boat owners who work or live on their own boats.

DIY Boat Owner The Marine Maintenance Magazine. For boat owners who like to work on their own boats.

Duckworks Magazine The on line magazine for amateur boat builders.

Water Craft Magazine Better Boats and Boat Building.

Performance Boats Magazine - Speed boat videos, galleries, forums, performance evaluations and more.

Houseboat Magazine  The family magazine for the American houseboater.

WoodenBoat Magazine For wood boat enthusiasts and  builders.

Passagemaker Magazine  PassageMaker focuses on the
realities of cruising and voyaging. We will document
the preparations necessary for traveling and living
aboard, and how to deal with any number of practical
and often non-marine issues. We want to assist you
in making your cruising plans attainable, affordable,
and enjoyable.

Practical Sailor  Reviews and critiques of sailboats
and equipment

Trade Only (Soundings) News for the boating industry

Soundings On-Line Boating news.x

Boating Industry News Sites

Boating Industry 

International Boating Industry News

NMMA News 

Trade Only (Soundings)

The Super Yacht Times

Boating Industry Data and Statistics

Statistical Surveys, IncStatistical Surveys is the leading provider of market data solutions for the Marine, Manufactured Housing, RV-Motorized, and RV-Towable Industries.

Owner Manuals, Maintenance Manuals, Service Bulletins.

Jamestown Distributors How Tos

Ken Cook Company 

Yamaha Outboard Owners Manuals Online

OMC Cobra SternDrive Info

Onan MCCK Generator Service manual

OnanMCCK Generator Operator manual

Volvo Penta  Service Bulletins

Master Tech Marine Outboard Wiring Diagrams

Mercury Marine Service Bulletins 

Yandina Installation Manuals

Westerbeke Corporation

Books Available Free On-line as PDF or Download (cont.)

1) Naval Architects Data

2) The Ship Builder's Complete Guide: Comprehending the Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture ... (1826)

3) An investigation of some of the resistance aspects of the catamaran hull (1967)

4) Optimization of an advanced high speed hull form. (1995)

5) Prediction of sailing boat performance. (1976)

6) A parametric study of the stress distribution in a four-celled box beam model of the ASR-21 class catamaran cross-structure. (1972)

7) Catamaran wave resistance. (1971)

8)Theoretical naval architecture; a treatise on the calculations involved in naval design (1877)

9) A complete class-book of naval architecture, practical, laying off, theotrical, with numerous illustrations and almost 200 fully worked-out ansers to recent Board of education examination questions (1918)

10) Eric C. Tupper, Introduction to Naval Architecture, 4th ed., 2004.

11) SNAME Principles Of Naval Architecture

12) Daniel Savitsky,  Planing Craft.  Chapter V from SNAME's Modern Ships And Craft.  Naval Architecture of Planing Craft. (pdf)

More Books that are valuable references for boat building.   There are many others that could be added to this list. Suggestions for books will be appreciated. Contact Me

Name Author Publisher Year
20 Designs from The Board of Thomas Colvins Thomas Colvin Seven Seas Press 1976
A Sailors Guide to Production Sailboats Roger Marshall Hearst Marine Books 1986
The American Fishing Schooners 1825-1935 Howard I Chapelle Norton 1973
Yacht Designing and Planning Revised & Enlarged Howard I Chapelle Norton 1971
Boat Building Howard I Chapelle Norton 1969
Boat Data Book Ian Nicholson Yachting Books 1978
How to Build a Wooden Boat David C “Bud” McIntosh WoodenBoat Publications 1987
Designers Notebook Ian Nicholson Norton 1987
Designing Small Craft John Teale David Mckay 1977
How to Design Planing Hulls J Stoltz J. G Koelbel Jr  J D Beinert Motor Boating & Sailing 1963
Modern Boat Building Edwin Monk Charles Scribners 1973
Naval Architecture Of Planing Hulls Lindsay Lord Cornell Maritime Press 1963
Sailing Yacht Design Douglas Phillips-Birt Adlard Coles Ltd 1976
Marine Diesel Engines Nigel Calder International Marine Pub 1987
Marine Inboard Engines Petrol and Diesel Loris Goring Adlard Coles Ltd 1990
Diesel Fundamentals Service Repair William K Tolbert The Goodheart WillCox 1983
Powerboaters's Guide to Electrical Systems Ed Sherman McGraw Hill 2000
Your Boats Electrical System Conrad Miller & ES Maloney Hearst Marine Books 1988
Boatowners Illustrated Handbook Of Wiring Charlie Wing McGraw Hill 1993
Fiberglass Boat Design And Construction Robert J Scott John De Graff 1973
Fiberglass Boat Survey Manual Arthur Edmunds John De Graff 1979
The Old Book Of Ships Henry B Culver & Gordon Grant Garden City Pub 1924
The Sailing Yacht Juan Baader Norton 1979
The Worlds Best Sailboats Ferenc Mate' Albatross 1989
The Worlds Extraordinary Yachts Jill Bobrow and Dave jinkins    
Thirty Wooden Boats   WoodenBoat Publications 1988
Boat Building Woods A Directory of Suppliers Anne Bray and Cynthia Curtis Woodenboat Magazine  
Boatbuilding with Steel Gibert C. Klingel & Thomas Colvin International Marine Publishing 1973
The Laminated Wood Boat Builder Hub Mille International Marine Publishing 1993

Marine Surveyors and sites of interest to marine surveyors

Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (SAMS) Home Page l A society for testing and accrediting marine surveyors.

National Association Of Marine Surveyors (NAMS) Another society for testing and certifying marine surveyors.

Association of Certified Marine Surveyors

US Surveyors Association

Yacht Survey Online: David Pasco, Marine Surveyor.  Actual Surveys on line. One of my favorite sites. He really tells it like it is!

Marine Surveyors Page. Reference links for marine surveyors.
North Wood Marines Services (Surveyors)

Boat Survey .Com  A site for locating a marine surveyor in your area

Antique and Classic Boats

Antique Boat Center

La Pointe Classic Boat and Motor

Antique and Classic Boat Society

FiberGlassics - Classic Fiberglass boating enthusiasts website (also has wood and aluminum boats)

Glassics Online Classic Fiberglass Boats

Boat History Report Used boat history reports search, boat history HIN check at

Boating and Boatbuilding Forums I Like

Boat Design.net Boat Design.net is a central resource for anyone interested in Yacht Design and the latest work from Yacht Designers around the world. It also has forums on maintenance and repair and all aspects of boat building.

BoatDiesel.com Everything about diesel engines

Back Yard Yacht Builders  We are a group dedicated to promoting the fun and reward to be found in building and sailing plywood boats.

Boat Builder Central Builders Forum Technical Support and Message Forum for boat builders.

Cruisers and Sailing Forums (CruisersForum)  Cruising Boats, Cruising People, Cruising Answers. 

Houseboat Magazine Forum   All about houseboats. The forum deals with everything about houseboats.

Iboats.com Boating Forums #1 site for everything boating. An excellent and very popular boating forum, as well as source of parts and gear.

Metal Boat Society Facebook  For builders, repairers and owners of metal boats

Performance Boats A magazine and forum for performance boat enthusiasts. 

Sailnet.com Forums   a resource where sailors could find everything they needed to support their own pursuit of the sailing lifestyle

Wooden Boat Magazine Forums Probably the most popular magazine and forum on wood boats.


Performance Calculators/Software

Power Boats

Crouch's Speed and Propeller Calculator

Martindales Calculators

Performance Boat Design Software

Boat Propeller Calculator

Sail Boats

Sail VPP Calculations

Marine and Boating Photography:

David J. Shuler Photography

Atomic 4 Engine Web Sites

Moyer Marine Atomic 4

Care/Feeding Atomic 4

Atomic 4 Indigo

Atomic 4 FAQ

Cleaning Atomic 4

Forum Atomic 4

Good Old Boat Atomic 4

Wikipedia: atomic 4


Atomic 4 Engine And Replacments

Boat Transportation

Uship, The online shipping place. Boat transportation.

Boat Movers

Boat And yacht Shipping Worldwide

Builders of Classic Designs

Lunenburg Schooners  Builders of new schooners built to the classic Lunenburg Schooner designs.

The Dory Shop  Builders of classic dories.

Landamores Builders of classic designs. In the UK. Landamores have been building boats in Wroxham and Hoveton since 1923.

Boating Safety Web Sites

U. S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety

BoatUS Boat Owners Association Of the U.S

BoatSafe.com  Boating Courses, Boating Tips, Boating Safety, Boating Contests

Boating Safety.com

Transport Canada, Marine Safety

National Safe Boating Council

Essential Boating on the Web

The Foundation for Safe Boating and Marine Information

Boating at answers.com

Safe Boater:  A Canadian boating safety site

Social Media Boating sites

Discover Boating Facebook

My Boat Life


Boater Ed

Australia BIA



More Forums.......

All about inflatables
Bass Boat Magazine
Bayliner Owners Club
BoaterEd Forum (boater Education Forum)
Checkmate Boats forum
Club Sea Ray for Sea Ray owners
BoaterEd (Education) Forums
By The Sea Boating Forums (Message Boards)
Catamaran Sailor Magazine
Drag Boat Racing (Facebook)
Flying Scot Sailing Assoc Forum

More Forums

Lake-Link Boating forum Great Lakes boaters and fishing.
Marine Engine .com Boat Repair Forum
Northwest Classic Boat Club Forum
Pontoon Boat Forum
Seven Seas Cruising Association
The Hull Truth Boating Forum
Open Boat Forum BassBarn.com
Welcome to the Kayak Forum
Yacht Forums
Yachting and Boating World

Boating Related Companies And Web Sites.

This is not an endorsement of their products or of their company. It is for information purposes only.  If you think a company should be added to this list please e-mail me with their URL and I will add them. These do not have to be boatbuilding links.

A Comprehensive List of Black Owned Businesses

Attwood Marine Marine Acessories and fittings
Balmar Marine accessories fittings

Coastal Rides (UK): Marine Electronics; we also carry a vast amount of parts, new AND second hand.

Deflector Marine Rudder Naselle WA US, BC Canada

EASY BOAT BOOKING.COM  Rent boats on the Riviera!

EdgeWood Outfitters Marine Parts, Equipment and Services.

Federal Propellers  (Michigan Wheel Corp.)

Fisheries Supply (Seattle)   They sell anything and everything for boats.

Hamilton Marine (Maine) Fasteners, Brushes, Finishes, Resins and more.

Jamestown Distributors How tos  A long list of articles on how to do almost everything on a boat.

supplier of fabrics for marine use

Martime Injury Center

Perko Manufacturer of marine lights, hardware and Accessories. Just about anything a boat needs.

Powertran we build better boat parts for better boat performance. Our product line consists of jack plates, power kicker steering units, power trim and tilt, brackets, boat accessories and service parts, all manufactured in the USA

Raka  Resins, fillers, fiberglass, kevlar, carbon, etc

Sailrite Make your own sails, canvas, Awnings, covers.

Savvy Boater.com huge selection of boat covers, bimini tops, propellers, fenders + other popular & hard to find gear

Symphony Boat Company SBC can build you the custom boat of your dreams.

WAIV Inteligent GPS tracking for Boat and Jetski Rental Businesses

Lumber, fiberglass, resin and other building materials

AeroMarine Products, San Diego CAHigh Quality Resins and mold making supplies.

Boat Building Materials  BoatDesign.net

Boat Builder Central, Vero Beach FL. building supplies.

CDN Paint: Industrial Coatings

Noah's The Boat Builder's Warehouse Toronto & Buffalo

Boulter Plywood Corp Marine Plywood and lumber

Edensaw Marine Woods, Port Townsend WA & Tacoma WA

Glen-L Wood and Plywood Info
(Lumber suppliers by state)

Overtons  Boating and Marine

The Newfound Woodworks, Inc.
TotalBoat.com A source for boat building materials that have been tested, by boatbuilders, for reliability and quality.

West Wind Hardwood Inc. Sidney, BC, Canada

Label Manufacturers

LEM Products Inc Marine Identification Products. Capacity labels.

DEC_O-ART Labels  Warning and safety labels for boats

Garzon Studio Custom Made Labels.

Boat Builder Shows

NMMA Boat Shows and events.
IBEX (International Boatbuilders Exhibition and Conference)
The BoatBuilders Show on Cape Cod (Rhode Island)
Maine Boat Builders Show

US Boat Shows

Atlantic City International Boat Show
Atlantic City In-Water Power Boat Show
Baltimore Boat Show
Boats Afloat Show Seattle
CMTA Hartford Boat and Fishing Show
Chicago Boat, RV and Outdoor Show
Cincinnati Travel, Sports and Boat Show
Cleveland Boat and Waterfront Lifestyle Expo
Dallas Fort Worth International Boat Show
Detroit Boat Show
Gulf Coast Boat Shows
National Houseboat Expo Louisville Kentucky
Houston Boat and Sport Show
Lansing Boat Show 
Los Angeles Boat Show
Miami International Boat Show
Marine Industry Assoc Of the Treasure Coast (FL)
Maine Boats, Homes, and Harbors Show, Rockland Maine
Minneapolis Boat Show
Mobile Boat Show, Mobile, AL
National Capital Boat Show, Chantilly Virginia
New England Boat Show (Boston)
Newport Boat Show, Newport Beach, CA.
Newport, RI, International Boat Show
New Orleans Boat Show
New York International Boat Show
Novi MI. Spring Boating Expo
Omaha Boat Sports and Travel Show, Omaha NE
Palm Beach Boat Show West Palm Beach FL
Portland Marine Dealers Boat Show (Oregon)
Providence Boat Show (Rhode Island)
San Diego Boat Summer Boat Show
San Diego Sun Road Boat Show (Winter)
Seattle Boat Show
Stuart Boat Show  Stuart, FL
Texas Boat Shows
Upstate South Carolina Boat Show (Greenville)
US Sailboat Show and US Powerboat Show, Annapolis MD 
West Kentucky Boat Show
Wooden Boat Festival, Port Townsend WA

Wooden Boat Shows

Annual Boats on The Boardwalk, Traverse City MI
Classic Boat Festival Victoria BC, Canada
Antique Boat and Marine Engine Show, Calvert MD Marine Museum 
Les Chanaux Islands Antique  Wooden Boat Show Hessel,MI
Mystic Seaport Wooden Boat Show, CT US
North Carolina Maritime Museum Wooden Boat Show
Port of Toledo, Oregon Wooden Boat Show
Sandpoint, Idaho Wooden Boat Festival
Woodenboat Show and Summer Solstice Festival Grand Marais, Minn.
Wooden Boat Festival Port Townsend, WA
Wooden Boat Show Georgetown SC.
Wooden Boat Show at Mystic Seaport, Mystic Connecticut
Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Festival
Antique Boat and Marine Engine Show, Calvert MD Marine Museum 
Madisonville Louisiana Wooden Boat Festival

International Boat Shows

Athens Greece Boat Show EXPOONE
Auckland International Boat Show (New Zealand)
Club Marine Mandurah Boat Show Western Australia
Boot Dusseldorf, Germany
Cochin International Boat Show, India
Dubai International Boat Show , United Arab Emirates
Durban International Boat Show  South Africa
Genoa Boat Show, Italy

Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show
International Federation of Boat Show Organisers IFBSO
Japan International Boat Show
London Boat Show (UK)
Ottawa Boat Show, Canada
Palma International Boat Show (Mallorca)
Paris International Boat Show (Salon Nautique de Paris)
Southampton Boat Show (UK)
Stockholm International Boat Show, Sweden
Toronto International Boat Show, Canada
Victoria Harbor Floating Boat Shows  (British Columbia Canada)
Vancouver Wooden Boat Festival , BC, Canada

Web Sites Dedicated to specific Types of Boats


Wooden Canoe Heritage Association A non-profit membership organization devoted to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wooden and bark canoes, and to disseminating information about canoeing heritage throughout the world.

Outboards and inboards

High Performance Boats

Performance Boats Dedicated to everything about high performance boats.


(See Also Pontoon Boats)

All About HouseboatsAll About Houseboats is a must read for the Curious, New, Beginner, or Experienced Houseboater. Filled with valuable free Tips, Guides, Reviews, Articles, FAQ's, and all topics related to Houseboats & Houseboating

Houseboat Association:  Information for the Houseboat Owner including maintenance tips. This is not a builders site. It is more for owners, renters, etc but it has a wealth of information on houseboats.

Houseboating World. Another houseboating web site with information, forums, and discussions concerning houseboats including maintenance tips. Not a builders site. A wealth of information on houseboats.

Web Sites Dedicated to specific Types of Boats

Racing Power Boats

Official Site of the Unlimited Hydroplane Racing Association The Unlimited Hydroplane Racing Association, once known as the Unlimited Racing Commission, is the official sanctioning body of the sport of Unlimited Hydroplane Racing.

Sailing Dinghies

International ok dinghy
OK Dinghy UK Index Page

Thistle Class Association

Tug Boats

Lord Nelson Victory Tug A site for tug boat owners.

Sailing Catamarans and other multihulls

Racing sailboats

ISAF International Sailing Federation

RORC Royal Ocean Racing Club (UK)

ORC Offshore Rating Council


Electric Boats

The Electric Boat Association

Pontoon boats

Pontoon Boat & Deck Boat Discussion ForumAn Open and Honest Pontoon and Deck Boat discussion forum

Manitou Inc. Pontoon Boats:

More Misc Links:.....

Some of the above may be duplicated.

Assoc & Soc.

Boating Consultants, experts, etc.


Boat Motors-outboard motors-Mercury, Evinrude, Johnson

Briggs and Stratton 

BRP - Evinrude

Antique Outboard Motor Club

Honda Marine Outboard Motors

Indmar Products Company Home Page

IMP Industrial Motor Power Corp


Mercury Marine - #1 on the Water - Mercury Marine

Nissan Marine Outboards

Small Outboards.com

Tohatsu Outboards

Welcome to Suzuki Marine

Yamaha Outboard Motors Home


Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide - Marine Insurance

Heritage Marine Insurance

NBOA Marine Insurance

Hagerty Classic Boat Insurance


Underwriters Laboratories

Imanna Laboratory, Inc

USCG List of Accepted Laboratories



Boat Works Magazine by Sail Magazine

Classic Boat

Power Boat


Traditional Boats and Tall Ships

Yachting Monthly (UK)

Model Boats and Model Boat Building 

Model Boats UK

Xenon Project.com Offers Radio Controlled Models.


North Carolina Maritime Museum The North Carolina Maritime Museum documents, collects, preserves, and researches the maritime history and its corollary natural history, of coastal North Carolina for the purpose of interpreting this history through educational services and exhibits for our contemporary society, and passing intact its material culture to future generations.

Wooden Boat Museum of Newfoundland and Labrador  Welcome to the Wooden Boat Building Museum website, an on-line exhibit for you to explore the history and culture of Newfoundland's, finest boat builders

More Misc Links:....


boatus.com Speaker's Bureau


Jensen Maritime Consultants on Stability of commercial fishing boats

Boat Safe Kids: intended for kids but the illustrations are great

Wikipedia on Metacentric Height

Principlesof Stability

Stability of a Floating Body


Ireland: Advice to the Public on Purchasing Recreational Craft

Scope for UL 1112 Electric Motors And Generators

ul-1113.4 Electrically Operated pumps nonflammable liquids

US Coast Guard

Navigation Rules Homepage

Office of Boating Safety

US Coast Guard Home Page

US Coast Guard Marine Safety

Wood Technology

Center for Wood Anatomy Research

Wood Bin - Wood and Lumber

Forest Products Laboratory


Boating Writers International - Boating and Marine Writers

Used Boat Guides

BUC Used Boat Guides


Boating Links

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Fire Extinguishers

NTSB report on Ethan Allen

Popular Mechanics Article on the Ethan Allen Accident

Wikipedia on Ethan Allen Accident


Superyachts Directory The products and services that enhance the lifestyles of owners and users of Super Yachts

American Boat And Yacht Council  Boat Design Net  Wooden Boat Foundation

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