Flotation regulations for recreational boats.

The following video covers the capacity and flotation regulations, and testing.

Recreational Boat Capacity and Flotation.  https://www.youtube.com/embed/pHgE9y-ggIE

An article in Boating Magazine July 22, 2014; Sinking Boats For Safety

Watch a slide show Presentation on Flotation below. After watching the slide show pick from the following list.

Select from the following list:

Level Flotation : Mono-hulled boats under 20 feet in length, with outboards greater than 2 HP.

Modified Level Flotation : Mono-hulled boats under 20 feet in length, with 2 HP or less, or manually propelled.

Basic Flotation : Mono-hull inboard motorboats under 20 feet in length.

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