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35 Foot Pilot House Cutter
Lines Plan

Hydrostatics and Parameters
Project : Pilot House Cutter 34
Designer: Peter Eikenberry
Created : Peter Eikenberry
Filename: K:\NAVARCH\Freeship Models\Sailboat 34\sail1b.fbm
Design length : 34.000 [ft]
Length over all : 33.247 [ft]
Design beam : 8.000 [ft]
Beam over all : 13.357 [ft]
Design draft : 2.500 [ft]
Midship location : 17.000 [ft]
Water density : 63.989 [lbs/ft3]
Appendage coefficient : 1.0000
Volume properties :
Displaced volume : 271.77 [ft3]
Displacement : 7.763 [tons]
Total length of submerged body : 29.397 [ft]
Total beam of submerged body : 12.079 [ft]
Block coefficient : 0.3061
Prismatic coefficient : 0.5389
Vert. prismatic coefficient : 0.4528
Wetted surface area : 266.34 [ft2]
Longitudinal center of buoyancy : 16.000 [ft]
Longitudinal center of buoyancy : -3.403 [%]
Vertical center of buoyancy : 1.747 [ft]
Midship properties :
Midship section area : 17.156 [ft2]
Midship coefficient : 0.5681
Waterplane properties :
Length on waterline : 29.397 [ft]
Beam on waterline : 12.079 [ft]
Waterplane area : 240.06 [ft2]
Waterplane coefficient : 0.6761
Waterplane center of floatation : 15.215 [ft]
Entrance angle : 35.147 [degr.]
Transverse moment of inertia : 2019.5 [ft4]
Longitudinal moment of inertia : 10572 [ft4]
Initial stability :
Transverse metacentric height : 9.178 [ft]
Longitudinal metacentric height : 40.648 [ft]
Lateral plane :
Lateral area : 51.069 [ft2]
Longitudinal center of effort : 16.812 [ft]
Vertical center of effort : 1.494 [ft]
The following layer properties are calculated for both
sides of the ship:
| Layer | Area |Thick- | Weight | COG X | COG Y| COG Z |
| | [ft2] | ness | [tons] | [ft] | [ft] | [ft] |
|Layer 0| 545.57 | 0.000 | 0.000 |16.188 | 0.000| 2.863 |
Sectional Areas
| Location | Area |
| [ft] | [ft2] |
| 1.000 | 0.000 |
| 1.700 | 0.097 |
| 3.400 | 1.392 |
| 5.100 | 3.784 |
| 6.800 | 6.635 |
| 8.500 | 9.502 |
| 10.200 | 12.162 |
| 11.900 | 14.449 |
| 13.600 | 16.192 |
| 15.300 | 17.160 |
| 17.000 | 17.156 |
| 18.700 | 16.135 |
| 20.400 | 14.213 |
| 22.100 | 11.647 |
| 23.800 | 8.784 |
| 25.500 | 5.941 |
| 27.200 | 3.375 |
| 28.900 | 1.252 |
| 30.600 | 0.000 |
NOTE 1: Draft (and all other vertical heights) is measured
above the lowest point of the hull! (Z= 4.881)
NOTE 2: All calculated coefficients based on actual
dimensions of submerged body.
Filename : G:\AOL Downloads\Freeship\FREEship_version_2.6_win32_executable\FreeShip\sail1.fbm
Design length : 34.000 [ft]
Length over all : 34.875 [ft]
Design beam : 8.000 [ft]
Beam over all : 13.398 [ft]
Design draft : 3.000 [ft]
Midship location : 17.000 [ft]
Water density : 63.989 [lbs/ft3]
Appendage coefficient : 1.0000
NOTE 1: Draft (and all other vertical heights) is measured above the lowest point of the hull! (Z= 4.184)
NOTE 2: All calculated coefficients based on actual dimensions of submerged body.
Lwl : Length on waterline
Bwl : Beam on waterline
Volume : Displaced volume
Displ. : Displacement
LCB : Longitudinal center of buoyancy, measured from the aft perpendicular at X=0.0
VCB : Vertical center of buoyancy, measured from the lowest point of the hull
Cb : Block coefficient
Am : Midship section area
Cm : Midship coefficient
Aw : Waterplane area
Cw : Waterplane coefficient
LCF : Waterplane center of floatation
CP : Prismatic coefficient
S : Wetted surface area
KMt : Transverse metacentric height
KMl : Longitudinal metacentric height
Draft Trim Lwl Bwl Volume Displ. LCB VCB Cb Am Cm Aw Cw
[ft] [ft] [ft] [ft] [ft3] [tons] [ft] [ft] [-] [ft2] [-] [ft2] [-]
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.100 0.000 5.366 0.477 0.064 0.002 17.748 0.072 0.2512 0.019 0.4033 1.711 0.6692
0.200 0.000 7.903 0.953 0.376 0.011 17.731 0.143 0.2498 0.086 0.4527 4.880 0.6478
0.300 0.000 9.917 1.430 1.058 0.030 17.706 0.215 0.2488 0.202 0.4700 9.047 0.6381
0.400 0.000 11.639 1.904 2.201 0.063 17.678 0.286 0.2483 0.365 0.4794 14.043 0.6336
0.500 0.000 13.187 2.376 3.877 0.111 17.642 0.358 0.2475 0.577 0.4860 19.763 0.6308
0.600 0.000 14.662 2.849 6.158 0.176 17.602 0.430 0.2458 0.838 0.4904 26.177 0.6268
0.700 0.000 15.942 3.361 9.115 0.260 17.558 0.502 0.2430 1.148 0.4878 33.223 0.6201
0.800 0.000 17.185 3.865 12.796 0.366 17.511 0.574 0.2408 1.506 0.4870 40.718 0.6131
0.900 0.000 18.363 4.367 17.255 0.493 17.460 0.645 0.2391 1.913 0.4867 48.782 0.6083
1.000 0.000 19.424 4.869 22.544 0.644 17.407 0.717 0.2384 2.368 0.4863 57.350 0.6064
1.100 0.000 20.455 5.364 28.710 0.820 17.352 0.789 0.2379 2.871 0.4866 66.266 0.6039
1.200 0.000 21.429 5.851 35.783 1.022 17.294 0.860 0.2378 3.423 0.4875 75.587 0.6029
1.300 0.000 22.360 6.338 43.809 1.251 17.235 0.932 0.2378 4.022 0.4881 85.333 0.6021
1.400 0.000 23.198 6.822 52.824 1.509 17.174 1.003 0.2384 4.668 0.4887 95.307 0.6022
1.500 0.000 24.026 7.289 62.852 1.795 17.112 1.075 0.2393 5.361 0.4904 105.63 0.6032
1.600 0.000 24.837 7.755 73.922 2.112 17.049 1.146 0.2399 6.101 0.4917 116.26 0.6036
1.700 0.000 25.548 8.222 86.068 2.459 16.984 1.217 0.2410 6.886 0.4927 127.11 0.6052
1.800 0.000 26.260 8.648 99.305 2.837 16.918 1.288 0.2429 7.716 0.4956 138.02 0.6078
1.900 0.000 26.946 9.095 113.64 3.246 16.852 1.359 0.2441 8.589 0.4970 149.14 0.6086
2.000 0.000 27.596 9.546 129.09 3.688 16.784 1.430 0.2450 9.503 0.4978 160.35 0.6087
2.100 0.000 28.224 9.966 145.67 4.161 16.715 1.501 0.2466 10.457 0.4997 171.57 0.6099
2.200 0.000 28.827 10.343 163.36 4.667 16.645 1.571 0.2491 11.449 0.5032 182.69 0.6127
2.300 0.000 29.410 10.719 182.16 5.204 16.573 1.641 0.2512 12.477 0.5061 193.80 0.6147
2.400 0.000 29.990 11.089 202.07 5.773 16.500 1.711 0.2532 13.538 0.5087 204.84 0.6160
2.500 0.000 30.537 11.370 223.08 6.373 16.424 1.781 0.2570 14.630 0.5147 215.60 0.6209
2.600 0.000 31.071 11.652 245.15 7.003 16.348 1.850 0.2604 15.751 0.5199 226.21 0.6248
2.700 0.000 31.606 11.934 268.28 7.664 16.269 1.919 0.2634 16.897 0.5244 236.64 0.6274
2.800 0.000 31.994 12.154 292.44 8.354 16.188 1.988 0.2685 18.066 0.5309 246.83 0.6347
2.900 0.000 32.066 12.327 317.58 9.072 16.106 2.056 0.2768 19.256 0.5387 256.31 0.6479
3.000 0.000 32.137 12.501 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000
[ft] [-] [ft2] [ft] [ft]
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
17.730 0.6229 1.767 0.421 38.578
17.690 0.5519 5.167 0.802 39.750
17.657 0.5294 9.680 1.188 40.458
17.555 0.5092 21.400 1.967 42.007
17.490 0.5012 28.409 2.369 42.642
17.418 0.4982 36.113 2.774 43.237
17.345 0.4945 44.405 3.158 43.610
17.268 0.4913 53.281 3.561 43.909
17.182 0.4902 62.697 3.964 44.217
17.097 0.4888 72.608 4.346 44.401
17.011 0.4879 82.944 4.738 44.474
16.917 0.4872 93.717 5.128 44.598
16.826 0.4878 104.91 5.494 44.631
16.826 0.4878 104.91 5.494 44.631
16.733 0.4880 116.41 5.872 44.582
16.636 0.4879 128.25 6.241 44.593
16.538 0.4892 140.41 6.602 44.536
16.438 0.4901 152.78 6.922 44.467
16.335 0.4910 165.29 7.237 44.406
16.230 0.4922 178.01 7.537 44.305
16.119 0.4935 190.89 7.801 44.213
16.007 0.4950 203.66 8.031 44.089
15.890 0.4964 216.52 8.241 43.965
15.765 0.4977 229.49 8.424 43.842
15.640 0.4993 242.22 8.566 43.691
15.505 0.5009 254.90 8.675 43.575
15.368 0.5023 267.55 8.769 43.420
15.222 0.5058 280.16 8.826 43.310
15.087 0.5139 292.22 8.836 43.029
0.000 0.0000 303.93 0.000 0.000
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